Solutions built with open standards, open source technology, and open licensing …
- Create safe and secure transactions
- Build and implement non-proprietary technological standards
- Support the development of collaborative and transparent software
- Are used by private enterprises, public organizations, and government agencies
Partnership Strategy
Unity believes that “all of us” is better than any one of us. We desire very simply to serve our community through partnering with other members of our community who also want to uplift and empower everyone. If you are aligned with our mission we want to partner with you. Together, we can ideate, prioritize, and build new or leverage existing technology and tools needed to address the digital divide in our region. We’re seeking partners who are also aligned with and guided by our values of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Action (IDEA).
Technology Strategy
Unity is building a distributed ecosystem that empowers organizations to securely share data with other organizations for the benefit of underserved populations. Organizations collaborate as peers using common infrastructure for communication and security. Access to data is determined by mutual agreement. Message formats and semantics are determined by the community instead of dictated by a central authority. This ecosystem reflects our values of Inclusion (any organization can participate), Diversity (a broad spectrum of organizations enriches the ecosystem and creates new opportunities), Equity (all participating organization have the same opportunities to produce and consume data and innovate), and Action (organizations must take responsibility for providing access to their data).
Opening Doors with Open Systems
Technology has the power to build bridges between community members and the organizations that support them. Open, interconnected systems equip service providers, policymakers, researchers, and community-based organizations with the critical information they need to provide the right level(s) of assistance in real-time.
Solutions built with open standards, open source technology, and open licensing …
- Create safe and secure transactions
- Build and implement non-proprietary technological standards
- Support the development of collaborative and transparent software
- Are used by private enterprises, public organizations, and government agencies